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. Sabtu, 18 April 2009
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Dehydration is a term used to signify the lack of body fluids. The condition is caused by the loss of excessive body fluids. Also called dehydration with anhidrasi, deaquasi, or hipohidrasi.

The lack of body fluids can occur in people with muntaber, high fever, and others. Expenditure fluid is usually accompanied by loss of salt and minerals in the body.

How many body fluids is reduced to dehydration can be called?

Human body weight consists of approximately 60 percent fluid.

Each day, about 1.7 liters of fluid is removed through the urine and about 100 mililiter issued through the intestine. Expenditure liquids other one liter of going through the sweat and respiratory.

Loss of fluid will be replaced by a fluid obtained from the consumption of food and drink as much as three liters a day. On a very hot weather, people will need to drink more as a compensation of liquid that is also more out of the body through evaporation. When the liquid is more outgoing than incoming, the dehydration was the case.

Symptoms of dehydration vary. In the dehydration by the sense of light that is very thirsty so stimulate penderitanya to continue drinking. When water demand is not met, the dehydration dideritanya akan increasingly heavy.

When dehydration occurs a heavy, deep-set eyes become. In addition, the skin becomes elastic, so when not dicubit, bekasnya not quickly return to the original form. Symptoms can be easily seen on the skin of the belly.

In conditions of dehydration that can not be repaired by others and not, people will be decreased awareness, shock occurs that can cause death. Therefore, in cases of dehydration will need a good handling. Moreover, in the case of infants and children, need extra attention. What, they are very vulnerable to dehydration.

Mild dehydration can be overcome with their own ways to drink as much as possible until people do not feel thirsty again. We suggest that, given the form of a liquid solvent as electrolyte salt oralit. When oralit not available, can be replaced with a sugar-salt solution is made. How pembuatannya is melarutkan with one teaspoon of sugar and salt to sejumput in 200 cc water. If dehydration is not improved, patients need to be given fluids through infus

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