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Bright & tight with Lightmouse

. Sabtu, 04 April 2009
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Not have to face wrinkle and dull. Moreover, women's careers. Groups that this one definitely try to appear interesting and enthralling. That is why they are diligent caring face. They cock face various forms of treatment that they face soft and bright.

One of the technical treatment of the face that women are selected lightmouse, a treatment technique with Aesthetic facial soft laser. Aesthetic laser has a power soft pink skin deep 1,5-2 cm. Soft Lasers direct rays to the network in the tissue of living, increasing the ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate) and more energy and nutrients in the body for metabolic processes, and maximize the function of organs.

Tools used are lightmouse with the hand piece is moved to the skin of the face. "Benefits of this treatment is subtilize wrinkling, remove the bag and a black circle in the eye, remove stains and pimply, smooth color, the stains and freckles, to encourage the establishment, faster, and lifting and muscle tissue and increase expenditure collagen and tissue regeneration," said Retno Mayasari, PR & Marketing Director of Reggia Spa Sanctuary.

Not only the face, this treatment can also help in lifting pengencangan area and abdomen, waist and feet, encouraging the establishment, and pengencangan lifting and muscle tissue and help remove the orange peel cellulite and stretchmarks. "The benefits for the body can be obtained in the form of a proportional increase vitality and body," the number of women familiar called this Maya.

This treatment process begins with the expert diagnosis by a doctor. Next is a welcome massage, aromatherapy oil that is pengolesan to the face and chest. Then, all make up the eyes and mouth clean with gentle make up remover, gentle cleansing milk and balancing gel cleancer. "Treatment lightmpuse soft laser treatment is the use of photochemical effects, not the effect of heat, so that the tissue to be burned and the heat does not damage the tissue network," said Maya.

The process is further pengolesan cleancer scrub with a gentle massage from the chest to the neck and then Rinse with warm water. Then, skin softening lotion be lubricated evenly to the face and steam for 10 minutes to lift komedo and whelk. The process lightmouse then proceeded to the face, neck and chest for 18 minutes. "Lightmouse this does not dissipate heat, and rays are invisible, very safe and can be done by Esthetician. The process is also directly to the cell nucleus, so it does not increase the temperature in the cell," he added.

After that, the mask is adjusted to the age and skin type of patients. Do, cover the eyes with cotton lembap and humid place netting over the whole face. Oleskan soft modeling masque for 25 minutes, and lift the mask with warm waslab. After a series of treatment processes, the natural plant give toner and moisturizer.

Treatment results can be seen immediately after a one-time treatment. "Treatment lightmouse can provide a significant lifting of the first treatment. And the results on each individual is different, depending on the client's skin condition. In general, a significant difference can be seen on a visit to-3," augment him. Anyone can perform this treatment. However, people who use a pacemaker or other metal based, and pregnant and breastfeeding are not allowed.

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